Jamie & Katie

Jamie & Katie
Katie and I in our Race for the Cure hats!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Professional Photographs

So my good friend Tammy is a professional photographer and offered to take some professional photos of some of our hats. This is only a sneak preview as there are still several more photos we are still waiting on. She is so talented. I feel so blessed to be able to work with her and have her capture such beautiful photos. I'm not sure what is cuter, the hats or the models! What do you think? 

Here is beautiful Lucy and I after the shoot. She is such a beautiful little baby, and so happy! I can't wait to show you her other amazing photos! 

If you are in the Omaha area and looking for an amazing photographer, I urge you to check out Tammy Muecke Photographhy today! Here are her websites: 

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