Jamie & Katie

Jamie & Katie
Katie and I in our Race for the Cure hats!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to our blog!


Welcome to our blog. We are two sisters who have found a love for crochet. Our mother taught us when we were little and every few years we would crochet a simple ripple pattern afghan for our friends for Christmas presents. Then, last year I decide to crochet matching hats for our Susan G. Komen race for the cure team. Last year was our second year doing it in honor of our Mom who was diagnose and survived breast cancer. Crocheting matching hats was too boring for me so I found different hat patterns to make. The hats were a HUGE hit and everyone on race day was commenting on how cute they were and asking where we got them. And this... is what began our love of crocheting lovely hats!

I bought three patterns on etsy: Simply2Irresistible. Hello Kitty, Sock Monkey, and owls. We have been a hit ever since. We are in the process of coming up with other cute hat patterns and getting ready to start making our pink hats for our upcoming race in October. We would love to try to sell them to other teams in an effort to raise funds for our team!

The top photo is my little sister and I on race day. The second photo is our team in our adorable pink hats!

We are going to use this space to show off our newest creations! We hope you enjoy :)

Much Love,
Katie & Jamie

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